Ada ribuan masjid di Indonesia di berbagai Kabupaten/Kota atau propinsi dari Sabang (di Aceh) sampai Merauke (di Papua). Banyak Masjid memiliki rancangan arsitektur yang unik, seringkali merefleksikan perpaduan budaya antara Hindu-Islam, China-Java-Islam, Minang-Islam, Makassar-Islam dan lain sebagainya. Hal ini karena budaya Indonesia telah dipengaruhi oleh berbagai budaya asing lain dari India, China, Arab, dan budaya etnik asli itu sendiri.
Masjid Istiqlal at Jakarta, Indonesia
Istiqlal means Independent. This Masjid built not long after Indonesia proclaims an indepence day, 17 august 1945. This name reflected the freedom of Indonesian from colonialism of Dutch, and It started construction under the Soekarno era, the first president of Indonesia. It designed by an architect names Silaban, a Christian architect. Muslim as majority citizen (93%) and christian as second large religion (7 %) live together in peace, respectfully each other.
Masjid Istiqlal viewed nerarer.
Masjid Istiqlal is the biggest Masjid in Southeast Asia, located near of Imannuel Cathedral Jakarta. All religion live together freely and peaceful in here, and we hope muslim as minority in Europe or North America can feel living more safe, freely, and peaceful too, like christian as minority living safe and free to pray in here. It is important to promote tolerance in Europe and North America, where muslim frequently as victim of discrimination, begin correcting all wrong written Islamic book school of religion lesson by non muslim writer, and media that full of prejudice or misconception in describing Islam and Muslim.

Masjid Menara Kudus, Kudus city, Central Java-Indonesia. See the Hindu-Islam building style. Combination of Hindu's Temple and Islam. |
Masjid Kudus is a one of ancient Masjid in Java. The uniqueness of this masjid is a combination building style between Hindu Temple and Islam. Its style reflects that religion historical in Java has influenced by various religion. Hindu is the first religion had came and accepted well. Then Budha came, followed Christian that fill space to grow and also accepted well. Finally, Islam come and expand quickly and grow very fast exceeding all previous existing religions, then becoming majority, 93 % follower.
Masjid Cheng Ho at Surabaya, East Java. It reflects cultural acculturation of Tiongkok-Java-Islam Architecture. |
Masjid Cheng Ho is an ancient Masjid that has built by Hajj Muhammad Cheng Ho, a Chinese Muslim from Tiongkok. This fact tell us that Islam grow in indonesia because of Chinese Muslim trader who came here to trade and promote Islam to Indonesian people. Yes, Islam grow in here because of China and India trader who introduce at first. Unlike Malaysia that Islam distributed by Arab trader directly, in Indonesia Islam came through second or third hand. Then The Nine Preacher (known Wali Songo) continue estaphet stick to promote Islam to all over Island, small city, village, and so forth.
Muslim Kneeling (in prayer) be to Allah devoutly at Masjid Cheng Ho Surabaya, Indonesia
"In The name of Allah (God), Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the Worlds;
Most Gracious, Most Merciful;
Master of the Day of Judgement.
Thee do we worship, and Thine aid we seek.
Show us the straight way,
The way of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy Grace,
these whose (portion) is not wrath, and who go not astray.
(Qur'an Surah Al-Fatihah (1) : 1-7). |
One day on August 2008 at Masjid Cheng Ho, Surabaya. Muslim hearing sermon. |
Masjid Cheng Ho at Palembang City, South Sumatera. Mixing style of Palembang-Tiongkok-Islam Architecture. |
Hajj Muhammad Cheng Ho not only visit Java Island and build a Masjid at Surabaya City, but He also visit Sumatera Island, the second biggest island after Kalimantan, and built a Masjid there. This Masjid named Masjid Cheng Ho too, to appreciate him for introducing Islam there. It located at Palembang City, South Sumatra. Like his brother in Surabaya, Masjid Cheng Ho Palembang build in Tiongkok style architecture somewhat like combination between Klenteng (Kong Hu Chu temple) style and Islam.
Now, I want to present some picture of beautiful Masjid in various places in Indonesia. Here there are :
Masjid Agung Al Karomah, Martapura City, South Kalimantan-Indonesia. |
Masjid Agung at Semarang, Central Java-Indonesia. It have six umbrellas that can be evolved when needed. The number of minarets, umbrellas, and all detail of building element have certain meaning. There are representation of Six pillar of Faith, The Five Pillar of Islam, the number of Surah of Qur'an, and so forth. |
Masjid Agung Semarang : viewed from the top. |
Masjid Agung Semarang when afternoon. |
Beautiful Calligraphy of Verses Quotation of Holy Qur'an. |
Masjid Agung Banda Aceh, Daerah Istimewa Aceh. |
Masjid Agung Bengkulu-Indonesia
Masjid Agung at Malang City, East java-Indonesia. |
Masjid Tiban, at Turen, Malang, East Java, Indonesia. Full detail ornament of Qur'anic Quotation. |
Masjid Pagaruyung, Batu Sangkar, West Sumatera - Indonesia. Minang Style Building clearly shown in here. |
Masjid Koto Gadang, Bukit Tinggi, West Sumatera-Indonesia. Another variant of Padang Style. |
Masjid Padang Panjang-West Sumatera, Indonesia. |
Masjid Limosuku, West Sumatera-Indonesia. |
Masjid Palembayan, West Sumatera-Indonesia. An Old Masjid. |
An Old Masjid. Masjid Asasi Gunung Padang Panjang, West Sumatera. |
Masjid Agung at Medan City, North Sumatera. |
Masjid Agung Tuban, East Java-Indonesia. Full of color. |
Islamic Center Lhokseumawe, Aceh. |
Masjid Jamik Simpang Ulim, East Aceh-Sumatera. |
Masjid Jamik Lampuuk, Aceh Besar, Indonesia. |
Masjid Agung Meulaboh, Aceh. |
Masjid Raya Banda Aceh. |
Masjid Raya Sigli, Aceh Pidie. |
Masjid and Islamic Center Samarinda City, East Kalimantan-Indonesia. |
Masjid Agung Kendari City, Kalimantan-Indonesia. |
Masjid Agung Mamuju, Sulawesi-Indonesia. |
Masjid Agung Pinrang, Sulawesi-Indonesia. |
Masjid Agung Maros, Sulawesi-Indonesia. |
Masjid Raya Makassar, Sulawesi-Indonesia. |
Masjid Raya Selong, Nusa Tenggara |
Masjid at Makassar City, Sulawesi-Indonesia. |
Masjid at Pare-Pare city, Sulawesi. |
Masjid Agung Darul Falah, Pacitan, East Java-Indonesia. |
Masjid Agung Kota Kediri, East Java-Indonesia. |
Masjid An-Nuur, Kabupaten Kediri, East Java. |
Masjid Agung Solok, North Sumatera-Indonesia. The North Sumatera building style. |
Masjid Ganting Padang, West Sumatera |

Masjid Dian Al-Mahri, Depok, West Java-Indonesia. Dome, Pillars, and others element are Gold-Plated. |
Masjid An-Nurumi, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta-Indonesia. Maybe inspired by St Basil-Moscow-Rusia ? Or St. Basil maybe a Masjid formerly ? Or St. Basil inspired by Masjid for its dome ?
Cathedral of St. Basil-Moscow-Rusia. |
Masjid Agung Al Munawar, Ternate City, Indonesia. |
Masjid Agung Tasikmalaya, West Java-Indonesia. |
Masjid Agung Al-A'la, Gianyar, Bali-Indonesia. |
Masjid at Denpasar City, Bali-Indonesia. |
Masjid at Kuta, Bali-Indonesia. |
Masjid Ibnu-Batutah, Nusa Dua, Bali-Indonesia. |
Masjid An-Nuur, Batu, Malang-Indonesia. |
Masjid Agung Salatiga, Central Java-Indonesia. |
Masjid Sorong City, Papua-Indonesia. |
Masjid at Merauke City, Papua, The Cape Town of Indonesia. |
Masjid Ar-Raudah, Sorong, Papua-Indonesia. |
Masjid Al-Aqsa, Merauke, Papua-Indonesia. |
Masjid Agung Darussalam-Palu, Sulawesi, Indonesia. |
Masjid Raya Luwuk, Sulawesi, Indonesia |
Masjid al It-tihad, Jatibarang-West Java, Indonesia. |
Masjid Agung Ngawi-East Java. The Minaret seems like Hindu temple style. |
Masjid Agung Solo, Central Java, Indonesia. |
Masjid Agung Jember-East java, |
Masjid Raja Ampat, Papua |
Masjid Al Akbar Surabaya city, East Java. Inside and Outside view. |
Masjid al Akbar, Surabaya city, East Java-Indonesia. |
Masjid Raya Sunuur, Pariaman, West sumatra. |
Masjid Fachruddin, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, East Java. |
Masjid Demak, Demak City, Central Java. Javanese building style. One of the oldest Masjid. |
It is impossible to listing all of Masjid at all city in Indonesia. So many Masjid still missed, because of limiting of pages. All Masjid listed above maybe less then 1 % of all Masjid in this country. You Know, there are more than 200 million Muslim live there. If one Masjid able to contain 500 peoples in average, there must be 400.000 masjid at least are needed. In fact, there are more than 700.000 Masjid in all over Indonesia. It is excluded Musholla, small praying house that can be pretended by 20-100 Muslims.
The one things we know that so many style Masjid building that reflected enrichment of Muslim culture, Muslim architecture in various ethnic living in thousands of Island.
indonesia memiliki banyak masjid bagus sayang tidak pernah penuh ketika waktu sholat datang. rugi kalo punya masjid bagus tapi kosong
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